Chien de Stéphane D.

cela fait déja un an que tu es partie tu as été trouvée dans la rue et je t'ai gatée, nous ne savions pas ton âge, tu as malheureusement eu une hémorragie et nous n'avons pas pu te sauver tu me manques beaucoup tu as retrouvé tes amies, Bambou, Nele et Mouchka. Stéphane


  • Elejandro
    2015-08-13 03:47:38
    Greetings! Can you provide more iianrmftoon please? How many people are actually living there? How far are you from the nearest town? Is there a work exchange program available with separate housing? Your assisted living caught my attention, since I am a nurse currently working at an assisted living facility here in Sarasota, Florida However, I am looking for my new home/community somewhere in Central America. Any additional iianrmftoon you can provide would be helpful. Thank you. Lorraine